
BCAAs Instant 300g


BCAAs Instant – 300g. Also get a wide range of products Bull Sport Nutrition in our online store to get the best price.

SKU: 0027132409051 Category:


Formula BCAA Instant guarantees high quality consumer purest L-Leucine, with amino acids and glutamine branched chain. Each BCAAs Instant portion contains amino acids, with 2,5 g of L-Leucine, isoleucine 1,5 g and 1,5 g Valine . BCAA Instant contains a total of 5g of BCAA by making 2:1:1 (leucine, valine, isoleucine).

BCAA have proven to be much more than just building blocks of muscle tissue.L-Leucine reporting agency sends signals to the muscle must be built and induce muscle hypertrophy. When L-Leucine ingested, protein synthesis (muscle repair) is activated and increases the ability of a cell to create new proteins (muscle tissue).

BCAA Instant is designed to

– Stop and prevent muscle catabolism
– To stimulate muscle protein synthesis
– Accelerate recovery
– Promote force